Technical Committee Panneeru Satish Kumar Members: Financial Discipline Committee Thanneeru Venkatesham Chairman Members: Ethics Committee Pagidipalli Balaiah Chairman Members: Grievances & Coordination Committee Gudla Sammaiah Chairman Members: Death/Patients/Accidents/ Ground Report: Kaveti Pavan Kumar Chairman Members: Education & Women Empowerment Committee Sheni Venkatesham Chairman Members: Media and TV Coverage Podila Venkata Ramana Chairman Members: Political Affairs & Govt. Liaison Kola Srinivas Chairman Members: Rescue Committee Podila Venkata Ramana Chairman Members: Felicitations Committee Podila Hari Prasad Chairman Members: Company presentationhow can we help you? Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online. contacts When I chose this profession, I knew my life was dedicated towards helping people relieve their pain and suffering. Kaml